Off The Dome Radio

Episode 211: Christopher Ewing, Entrepreneur, Personal Trainer, and Founder of the "Atlas Process"

May 26th, 2023  •  1 hr 29 mins  •  Download (64.8 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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Chris Ewing is an entrepreneur, personal trainer, and Founder of the Atlas Process, a system designed to coach athletes toward a stronger mind and body. In this episode, we explore the impact of social media, personal accountability, physical training, and mindset development. Chris also shares his journey from a corporate 9-5 job to becoming an entrepreneur, developing the Atlas Process for high-performing athletes. He talks about his ideal clients, networking, and how he built a network in a new city without knowing anyone. We also discuss the power of positive affirmations, overcoming negative self-talk, and how to optimize your decision-making process. Listen in for tips on how to improve your life and mindset.

To learn more about Chris, you can reach him at:

Instagram: @therealcewing