October 1st, 2021 • 1 hr 54 mins • Download (78.7 MB) • Link with Timestamp
Dr Robert O. Young - one of medicine's most attacked practitioners - returns to Truthiverse with his bombshell investigations into the cooties-19 needles (covaxes). The results may surprise you. Robert is one of those fiery, battled-hardened rogues whose depth of knowledge - both clinical and theoretical - is feared by Big Pharma. If everyone knew what he does about health, illness, pH, "viruses", parasites, nutrition, and more, Big Harmya would simply be no more. Recently Robert has been analysing covax samples and finding that all is not as advertised. He appears to have replicated the findings of La Quinta Columna regarding the presence of gr@phene ox!de - and still more beyond that. What other nasties lurk in the C19 needle? Find out what the Covid Cult and its Branch Covidians don't want you to know...