Zero Knowledge

Episode 281: Exploring Lurk: a New Language for Recursive zk-SNARKs

June 21st, 2023  •  1 hr 4 mins  •  Download (51.5 MB)  •  Link with Timestamp

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In this week’s episode, host Anna Rose chats with Chhi'mèd Künzang and François Garillot from Lurk Labs about all things Lurk, Lisp and zk languages.

They discuss the history of the Lurk project, from its beginnings with Protocol Labs (the team that built Filecoin), to its emergence as a Turing-complete programming language for recursive zk-SNARKs.

They discuss Lurk’s relationship with Lisp, what Lisp is, and how developers familiar with that family of languages would be able to interact with Lurk. They then discuss how Lurk compares to other zkDSLs and the new innovations this Lisp-based language brings to the table.